Aus web-cyradm Mail:

you could do that with an expect-script:


set force_conservative 1 ;# set to 1 to force conservative mode even if ;# script wasn’t run conservatively originally if {$force_conservative} { set send_slow {1 .1} proc send {ignore arg} { sleep .1 exp_send -s – $arg } }

set username [lrange $argv 0 0]

set timeout 2

Start the program.

spawn /usr/bin/cyradm –user cyrus –server localhost match_max 100000

Look for the Password: line and send the password.

expect -exact “IMAP Password: “ send – “Password\r” expect -exact “\r localhost.localdomain> “

Create the mailbox user.$username.

send – “sq user/$username none” expect -exact “sq user/$username none localhost.localdomain> “

send – “quit\r” expect eof


This script works with unixhierarchysep: yes and namespace “/” Now when you execute “./scriptname root” it would remove quota for user root. When you have a list of users you could do a:


userlist=cat userlist.txt for i in $userlist do /path/to/script $i done